Social Responsibility
Saying untrue, false, and pointless things in someone’s presence is a principle beset by pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the wrong way.
That’s why this is a principle beset by conflict.
Saying true and correct, but pointless things in someone’s presence is a principle beset by pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the wrong way.
That’s why this is a principle beset by conflict.
Saying true, correct, and beneficial things in someone’s presence is a principle free of pain, harm, stress, and fever, and it is the right way.
That’s why this is a principle free of conflict.
-Araṇavibhaṅgasutta Discourse on non-conflict
比丘们! 在那里,凡这不真实的、不如实的、伴随无利益的当面伤害语,这是有苦的、有伤害的、有绝望的、有热恼的法,是邪道,因此,这是有诤法;
比丘们! 在那里,凡这真实的、如实的、伴随无利益的当面伤害语,这是有苦的、有伤害的、有绝望的、有热恼的法,是邪道,因此,这是有诤法;
比丘们! 在那里,凡这真实的、如实的、伴随利益的当面伤害语,这是无苦的、无伤害的、无绝望的、无热恼的法,是正道,因此,这是无诤法。